page builder

How to Change Your Page Builder in WordPress

Sometimes, we buy a page builder that later makes things difficult, like it doesn’t support some specific plugins and functionality. Every WordPress page builder is incapable of most tasks, so we need to choose the one that solves the purpose. There are many page builders available that support the most critical requirements. If you have designed the website using any page builder, you want to change it now. This is possible, but not all page builders offer this solution.

In this article, you will learn how to change the page builder in WordPress.

What Is a Page Builder?

A page builder is an advanced WordPress plugin that helps you create and design your website without knowing how to code. It allows you to drag and drop elements like text, images, and buttons onto your page, making it easy to create a custom look. You can design any landing page you want using the page builder, such as Elementor, Live Composer, Visual Composer, etc. 

Step 1: Backup Your Website

Before making any changes, you need to back up your website. This step is crucial because you can restore your site to its previous state if something goes wrong. Another option is to create a staging server where you can work once you are ready. You can then move the staging site to live. 

  1. Use a Plugin: The easiest way to back up your site is to use a plugin. Popular options include UpdraftPlus and BackWPup. Install the plugin and follow the on-screen instructions to create a backup.

  2. Manual Backup: If you prefer, you can back up your site manually. This involves downloading your WordPress files via FTP and exporting your database using phpMyAdmin. However, sticking with a plugin is better if you’re unfamiliar with these tools.

Step 2: Choose a New Page Builder

Next, you must decide which page builder you want to switch to. Here are some popular options:

  1. Elementor: Known for its ease of use and flexibility. It’s an excellent choice for beginners and pros alike.

  2. Live Composer: Known for open source page builder that offers a simple drag-and-drop interface and is highly customizable.

  3. Divi Builder: A powerful tool with many features, perfect for those who want complete control over their design.

  4. Gutenberg: The default WordPress editor, which has been improving over time. It’s lightweight and integrated with WordPress.

Take some time to research these options and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Step 3: Install Your New Page Builder

Once you’ve chosen a new page builder, it’s time to install it. Make sure the new builder does not interfere with your existing one. Otherwise, the page will be altered too. 

How to Install a Page Builder Plugin

  1. Go to Plugins: In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.

  2. Search for the Plugin: In the search bar, type in the name of the page builder you want to install.

  3. Install and Activate: Click Install Now next to the plugin, then click Activate.

Now, your new page builder is ready to use!

Step 4: Convert Your Existing Pages

Switching to a new page builder means you’ll need to rebuild or convert your existing pages. Unfortunately, there’s no one-click solution for this. No such plugin allows you to switch from one page builder to another without building the page from scratch.  Build your website from scratch using the new page builder. You can keep the URL name different until you finish the design and delete the one to replace the URL slug with the new one. 

  1. Open Your Old Pages: Open your most important pages first in your current page builder.

  2. Take Note of the Layout: Write down or take screenshots of how your pages look. This will help you recreate them later.

  3. Create New Pages: Using your new page builder, create new pages that replicate the layout of your old ones.

  4. Copy and Paste Content: Manually copy the text, images, and other content from your old pages into the new ones.

  5. Customize Your Design: Use the features of your new page builder to customize your pages. You can improve the design with the new tools available to you.

This step can be time-consuming and an opportunity to refresh your site’s design.

Step 5: Test Your New Pages

After you’ve rebuilt your pages, it’s essential to test them because the next step is deactivating the older page builder. The design is the primary concern; once you create your page using the new builder, you can do the rest at any time.

  1. Preview Your Pages: In WordPress, click Preview to see how your pages look.

  2. Check for Broken Links: Make sure all links on your new pages work.

  3. Test on Different Devices: View your pages on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to ensure they look good everywhere.

  4. Speed Test: Use a tool like Google PageSpeed Insights to check the loading speed of your new pages. If they load slowly, you might need to optimize your images or adjust some settings.

Testing helps you catch any issues before your visitors see them.

Step 6: Deactivate the Old Page Builder

You can deactivate the old page builder once you’re happy with your new pages. But be careful—deactivating the old builder will likely break any pages that still use it. Go through all the essential pages individually and ensure you have designed using the new builder before uninstalling the existing page builder. 

How to Deactivate a Plugin

  1. Go to Plugins: In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.

  2. Find Your Old Page Builder: Locate your old page builder plugin in the list.

  3. Deactivate: Click Deactivate next to the plugin.

  4. Delete (Optional): If you’re sure you won’t need the old builder anymore, click Delete to remove it.

Now, your site is fully switched over to the new page builder.

Step 7: Final Cleanup

With your new page builder in place, there are a few final tasks to complete:

  1. Update Your Plugins: Ensure all other plugins are current to prevent conflicts.

  2. Check for Errors: Look over your site for any errors or issues caused by the switch.

  3. Submit a New Sitemap: If you’ve made significant changes, submit a new sitemap to search engines through Google Search Console.


These steps help ensure your site continues to run smoothly after the switch.

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